Acceso Abierto

Contribución del acceso abierto a la visibilidad de la literatura científica en una institución de educación superior

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Groposo Pavão, Caterina
Borges da Costa, Janise
Horowitz, Zaida
Klanovicz Ferreira, Manuela
Caregnato, Sônia



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Primera conferencia. Bibliotecas y Repositorios Digitales: Gestión del Conocimiento, Acceso Abierto y Visibilidad Latinoamericana. (BIREDIAL) Mayo 9 al 11 de 2011. Bogotá, Colombia.
The open access has been increasing significantly the visibility of the results of research and thus, the researchers have played pressure on the publishers of its work to remove barriers to access. The visibility is making a crucial issue, not only for the researchers, but also for its institutions, taking into account the resources spent with search is only justified if its results are widely accessible. However, this new vision on the validity of scientific publication challenges models of scientific communication established, especially as regards the traditional roles for its actors and formats of scientific publication. From this perspective, the institutional repositories may constitute an instrument of rearrangement regarding criteria for visibility of the scientific literature, the researcher and the institutions, since it goes beyond the dissemination mechanisms used to date. In this work, attempts to verify the visibility provided by a repository to scientific production of a higher education institution through of the access and download analysis. Are presented the developments incorporated in the statistics of Lume - Digital Repository of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, with the purpose of facilitating and promoting its use by researchers and managers. Covers the mechanisms available in Lume that contribute to its consolidation as an instrument of management of the research, by allowing more precise analysis with respect to the visibility of research realized at the institution. It concludes that institutional repositories can help with the new processes of scientific communication.
Palabras clave
Acceso abierto , Visibilidad de la literatura , DSPACE
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