Solo Metadatos

The Presentation of Self in Blogs and Social Networks

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Arcila Calderón, Carlos



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Universidad del Rosario / Universidad de Los Andes / Universidad Complutense de Madrid

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The main goal if this research is to know the way individuals present themselves in Blogs and Social Networks. The study includes the analysis of the presentation of self that a group of students hold in a Social Network Site (profile on Facebook) and the elaboration of a personal Blog in Internet. In this sense, we tried to find the effort (elements and time) dedicated to this communicative production and its relation with the presence of “the-other” in these virtual environments. After the realization of three content analysis, the research concludes that there are some identity categories that best define us in Social Networks (Membership of social groups and likes) and Blogs (Styles of conduct and evasive answers). Besides, the study confirms our initial hypothesis referring to the fact that the more presence and knowing of “the-other”, the more communicative effort we dedicate to present our identity in virtual environments.
Palabras clave
Presentación Personal , Entornos Virtuales , Redes Sociales , Blogs
Identity , Personal Presentation , Virtual Environments , Social Networks , Blogs
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