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Lack of association of polymorphisms in six candidate genes in Colombian adhd patients

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Fonseca Mendoza, Dora Janeth
Mateus, Heidi E
Gálvez, Jubby M
Forero, Diego A
Talero Gutiérrez, Claudia
Vélez van Meerbeke, Alberto Francisco



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Indian Academy of Neurosciences

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Background: Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common childhood neuropsychiatric condition. The disorder has a multifactorial background, with heritability estimates of around 76%, suggesting an important role of genetic factors. Candidate genes include those related to dopaminergic (e.g. DRD4, DRD5, SLC6A3 and DBH)and serotoninergic (e.g.HTR1B and SLC6A4) pathways. Purpose: To explore the association of common polymorphisms in six genes (DRD4, DRD5, SLC6A3, DBH, HTR1B and SLC6A4) and the susceptibility to ADHD in a Colombian sample population. Methods: Eighty-six ADHD trios and 152 healthy controls were recruited. Genotyping of the six polymorphisms was performed using described PCR-based protocols. A TDT analysis was used to test if there was preferential allelic transmission for any of the six polymorphisms. Additionally, a case-control analysis was performed to test for association of the serotoninergic (HTR1B and SLC6A4) polymorphisms with ADHD. Results: Through the TDT analysis there was no preferential allelic transmission for any of the studied variants. Case-control analysis did not show association. Conclusion: This is the first study in Latin America to describe six polymorphisms in a group of patients with ADHD. There was no evidence of association for any of the studied polymorphic variants in this Colombian ADHD sample. Further research, with larger sample sizes and study of endophenotypes, is needed in this population to confirm and extend the results. © 2015, Indian Academy of Neurosciences. All rights reserved.
Palabras clave
Dopamine 4 receptor , Dopamine 5 receptor , Dopamine transporter , Serotonin 1b receptor , Serotonin transporter , Adolescent , Article , Attention deficit disorder , Case control study , Child , Clinical protocol , Colombian , Controlled study , Dbh gene , Disease activity , Drd4 gene , Drd5 gene , Gene , Gene frequency , Gene function , Gene identification , Gene location , Genetic association , Genetic susceptibility , Genetic variability , Genotyping technique , Htr1b gene , Human , Major clinical study , Molecular dynamics , Molecular pathology , Polymerase chain reaction , Preschool child , Single nucleotide polymorphism , Slc6a3 gene , Slc6a4 gene , Association , Attention deficit and hyperactivity , Disorder , Genes , Latin america , Transmission disequilibrium test
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