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FOXD1 mutations are related to repeated implantation failure, intra-uterine growth restriction and preeclampsia

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Quintero-Ronderos, Paula
Jiménez, Karen Marcela
Esteban-Pérez, Clara
Ojeda, Diego A.
Bello, Sandra
Fonseca Mendoza, Dora Janeth
Coronel, María Alejandra
Moreno-Ortiz, Harold
Sierra-Díaz, Diana Carolina
Lucena, Elkin



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BioMed Central Ltd.

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Background: Human reproductive disorders consist of frequently occurring dysfunctions including a broad range of phenotypes affecting fertility and women's health during pregnancy. Several female-related diseases have been associated with hypofertility/infertility phenotypes, such as recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Other occurring diseases may be life-threatening for the mother and foetus, such as preeclampsia (PE) and intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR). FOXD1 was defined as a major molecule involved in embryo implantation in mice and humans by regulating endometrial/placental genes. FOXD1 mutations in human species have been functionally linked to RPL's origin. Methods: FOXD1 gene mutation screening, in 158 patients affected by PE, IUGR, RPL and repeated implantation failure (RIF), by direct sequencing and bioinformatics analysis. Plasmid constructs including FOXD1 mutations were used to perform in vitro gene reporter assays. Results: Nine non-synonymous sequence variants were identified. Functional experiments revealed that p.His267Tyr and p.Arg57del led to disturbances of promoter transcriptional activity (C3 and PlGF genes). The FOXD1 p.Ala356Gly and p.Ile364Met deleterious mutations (previously found in RPL patients) have been identified in the present work in women suffering PE and IUGR. Conclusions: Our results argue in favour of FOXD1 mutations' central role in RPL, RIF, IUGR and PE pathogenesis via C3 and PlGF regulation and they describe, for the first time, a functional link between FOXD1 and implantation/placental diseases. FOXD1 could therefore be used in clinical environments as a molecular biomarker for these diseases in the near future. Recurrent pregnancy loss, Preeclampsia, Intra-uterine growth restriction, FOXD1. © 2019 The Author(s).
Palabras clave
Complement component C3 , Placental growth factor , Adult , Article , Bioinformatics , C3 gene , Colombian , Controlled study , Female , FOXD1 gene , Frenchman , Gene , Gene deletion , Gene identification , Gene mutation , Gene sequence , Genetic regulation , Genetic screening , Genetic transcription , Genetic variability , Genotype , Human , In vitro fertilization , In vitro study , Intrauterine growth retardation , Major clinical study , Pathogenesis , Plasmid , Plgf gene , Preeclampsia , Pregnancy disorder , Priority journal , Reimplantation , Repeated implantation failure , Sequence analysis
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