Solo Metadatos

Actividad de beta-galactosidasa como marcador de senescencia en cultivos primarios del epitelio de la superficie ovárica

Título de la revista
Chuaire-Noack, Lilian
Rondon-Lagos, Sandra
Sanchez-Corredor, Magda-Carolina
Ibáñez Pinilla, Milcíades
Ramírez Clavijo, Sandra Rocío



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Universidad del Zulia

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Métricas alternativas

beta-galaetosidase activity reflects the rate of cellular aging in vitro. Such activity was quantified at pH 6 in ovarian epithelial cells from 28 donors without a history of cancer, by the chemoluminiscent method. The cells were serially cultured until they achieved the state of permanent growth arrest. During the exponential growth phase, all cultures showed a similar pattern of growth and low beta-galitetosidase activity. However, both in the onset of decrease replicative activity, as well as in the onset of the stationary phase, there was a significant rise in the enzyme activity. Our results showed that P-galactosidase activity can be considered as a replicative senescence marker of the ovarian surface epithelium at pH 6.
Palabras clave
beta-galactosidasa , senescencia replicativa , biomarcador , células epiteliales de ovario , Senescencia celular , Senescencia replicativa , Células , Cáncer , Biomarcador , Supresión , Incrementar , Biología , Años
beta-galactosidase , replicative senescence , biomarker , ovarian epithelial cells , Cellular senescence , Replicative senescence , Cells , Cancer , Biomarker , Suppression , Increase , Biology , Age
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