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Poster 98 physiotherapy variability in hospital Care: pulmonary rehabilitation in Colombia

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Ramírez-Vélez, Robinson
Durán Palomino, Diana
Campos, Adriana



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American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R)

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Main Outcome Measures: Survey was made to identify variations in procedures, components, structure and characteristics of PR programs according to the “Guidelines for the Physiotherapy Management in Patients with Pulmonary Disease with Spontaneously Breathing” published by British Thoracic Society (BTS). Additionally, socio-demographic data were collected. Results or Clinical Course: The response rate was 89.6% (n ¼ 224). At the time of the survey, 92% of those surveyed spent most of their time working in rehabilitation programs. Regarding variations in the clinical practice, the physiotherapists mainly answered “always perform” activities with low level of evidence (Grade C and D) such as diaphragmatic breathing techniques (48.7%), pursed-lip breathing during exercise (62.9%) and techniques of breath control (37.5%). A high percentage of professionals also included interventions with a higher degree of recommendation (Grade A) such as peripheral muscle training (42.9%), respiratory muscle training (52.2%), education or counseling disease (56.7%), use of intermittent positive pressure ventilation (31.7%), and application of oxygen (40.6%).
Palabras clave
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , Physiotherapy , Pulmonary Rehabilitation , Colombia
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