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The Status of Women’s political empowerment worldwide

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Ertan Senem.
Monroy Hernández, María Catalina
Vallejo Juan Pablo
Romero German
Erazo Ana Catalina



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Palgrave Macmillan

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Measuring women’s political empowerment (WPE) poses an important challenge. Approaches to an empirical understanding of WPE are not thoroughly consolidated, thus preventing a comprehensive explanation of the status of women’s political empowerment globally. In this chapter, we contribute to the research on women’s political empowerment, adding a new dimension related to security and equality issues. We argue that to understand WPE globally, academic approaches must consider variables on the security status of women worldwide. To fill this gap, we developed a multivariable index using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as our main methodological strategy. The results provide researchers with inputs that will help explain women’s political empowerment through multidimensional components.
Palabras clave
Women's political empowerment , Gender and politics , Feminist politics , Political influence of women , Global gendered politics , Women in political office , Gender issues in organisations , Women as political elites , Female cabinet ministers , Women heads of state and government , Measuring political empowerment , Problems with gendered political power , Political equality for women , Women in local politics
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