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Las Funciones Sancionatorias de la SIC en Materia de Libre Competencia en el Caso CAR del Canal del Dique - Procesos de 2016 a 2017

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Acosta Salazar , Einy Yolanda
Navarrete Forero, Silvia Jeanneth


Parra Benítez, Julián David

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Universidad del Rosario

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Revisar y analizar si las facultades de la Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio (Administrativas, Sancionatorias y Preventivas) fueron eficientes —es decir, suficientes— y oportunas para garantizar el ejercicio de la libre competencia en el marco de los procesos de contratación pública de Selección Abreviada de Menor Cuantía realizados en los años 2016 y 2017 por la CARDIQUE, que tenían por objeto “la limpia, relimpia y mantenimiento de canales, arroyos y otras cuencas hidrográficas, así como el mantenimiento y reforzamiento de los jarillones en 21 entidades territoriales del departamento de Bolívar"
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the sufficiency and effectiveness of the current functions and powers of the Delegation for the Protection of Competition of the SIC, to guarantee the exercise of free competition within the framework of public procurement processes. For the specific case, the analysis will be carried out on the processes carried out by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Canal del Dique, of Abbreviated Selection of Small Amount of the years 2016 and 2017, which were aimed at "The cleaning, cleaning and maintenance of channels, streams and other hydrographic basins, as well as the maintenance and reinforcement of the jarillones in 21 territorial entities of the department of Bolívar", acting in the face of a commercial practice restricting competition. The purpose of this analysis is to propose the actions that the SIC could develop, to have an adequate and effective reaction in relation to the infringing proponents that promote and develop actions of commercial practice restrictive of competition. And also propose recommendations and improvements, which can be implemented by the SIC to guarantee the exercise of free competition in public procurement.
Palabras clave
Multas , Colusión , Actores de mercado , Autoridad de competencia , Prácticas restrictivas
Fines , Collusion , Market players , Competition authority , Restrictive practices
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