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A best–worst scaling in Colombian patients to rank the characteristics of HIV/AIDS treatment

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Hendriks A.
Wijnen B.
van Engelen R.
Conde R.
Evers S.M.
González Rodríguez, Javier Leonardo
Govers M.
Mühlbacher A.
Hiligsmann M.



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Taylor and Francis Ltd

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Aim: To elicit patients’ preferences for HIV/AIDS treatment characteristics in Colombia. Materials and methods: A best–worst scaling case was used to provide a ranking of 26 HIV/AIDS treatment characteristics that were similar to a previous study conducted in Germany. In each choice task, participants were asked to choose the most important and the least important treatment characteristics from a set of five from the master list. Using the Hierarchical Bayes method, relative importance scores were calculated. Sub-group analyses were conducted according to sex, education, source of infection, symptoms, and age. Results: A total of 195 patients fully completed the questionnaire. The three most important characteristics were “drug has very high efficacy” (relative importance score [RIS] = 10.1), “maximum prolongation of life expectancy” (RIS = 9.7), and “long duration of efficacy” (RIS = 7.4). Sub-group analysis showed only three significant (but minor) differences between older and younger people. Conclusion: This study suggests that treatment characteristics regarding efficacy and prolongation of life are particularly important for patients in Colombia. Further investigation on how patients make trade-offs between these important characteristics and incorporating this information in clinical and policy decision-making would be needed to improve adherence with HIV/AIDS medication. © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor and Francis Group.
Palabras clave
Antiretrovirus agent , Antiretrovirus agent , Acquired immune deficiency syndrome , Adult , Alcohol consumption , Antiretroviral therapy , Article , Best worst scaling , Clinical assessment , Clinical effectiveness , Colombian , Comorbidity , Diagnostic test , Disease duration , Domestic violence , Female , Heterosexuality , Homosexuality , Human , Human immunodeficiency virus infected patient , Human immunodeficiency virus infection , Life expectancy , Major clinical study , Male , Methodology , Self concept , Sexual education , Sexuality , Social behavior , Treatment duration , Acquired immune deficiency syndrome , Age , Bayes theorem , Colombia , Decision making , Drug administration , Educational status , Health behavior , Human immunodeficiency virus infection , Middle aged , Patient preference , Severity of illness index , Sex factor , Socioeconomics , Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome , Adult , Age factors , Anti-retroviral agents , Bayes theorem , Choice behavior , Colombia , Decision making , Drug administration schedule , Educational status , Health behavior , Hiv infections , Humans , Life expectancy , Male , Middle aged , Patient preference , Severity of illness index , Sex factors , Socioeconomic factors , Aids , Best-worst scaling , Hiv , Patient preferences , Transferability , Treatment
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