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The field of law in colombian territorial decentralization and the andean community (CAN)



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Corporacion Universitaria Republicana

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The Andean Community (CAN) has been considered as an International Organization with different characteristics from other international organizations, which is why it is of interest to analyze the relationship between the administration systems called Colombian territorial decentralization and CAN from the legal scenario, that is, discarding the political, economic and social perspective of the referenced relationship. For this purpose, it is important not to forget that the CAN was granted supranational community competencies supported by common guidelines, coming from the will of the Andean Governments, with its own regulatory framework. It is in this sense, that the research problem that is intended to be solved in the present manuscript is limited to analyzing the legal scope of two systems of organization of the administration such as the CAN and the Colombian territorial decentralization. In response to the referenced research problem it is considered that at present, despite the phenomena of globalization, globalization and internationalization, it can be seen that the necessary conditions do not exist so that both systems of organization function harmoniously from the legal scenario; In spite of corroborating concurrent competences in the own scenario of the CAN and the Colombian territorial decentralization. © 2019, Corporacion Universitaria Republicana. All rights reserved.
Palabras clave
Andean integration process , Can , Competencies , Territorial decentralization
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