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Psychometric Properties Of The General Self-Efficacy Scale In A Colombian Sample

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Juárez, Fernando
Contreras Torres, Francoise Venezia



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Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga

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El constructo de autoeficacia ha sido estudiado desde dos perspectivas distintas; de manera específica como se propuso originalmente, y de forma generalizada, definida como las creencias del individuo sobre su actuación eficaz y competente ante diversas situaciones. Para medir el constructo de forma generalizada se diseño la Escala de Autoeficacia Generalizada (EAG) adaptada al castellano en Costa Rica. El propósito de este estudio fue validar la escala en una muestra colombiana de estudiantes a quienes también se les aplico el Cuestionario de Personalidad Situacional (CPS), cuyos factores guardan teóricamente cierta relación con el constructo estudiado. De acuerdo con los resultados la EAG presento una alta consistencia interna (Alfa de Cronbach de .83). Las validez convergente y discriminante del instrumento evaluado mediante el CPS, arrojó correlaciones positivas con las dimensiones de eficacia, confianza, autoconcepto y estabilidad emocional y de manera negativa con ansiedad. Mediante análisis factoriales exploratorio y confirmatorio se validó la estructura unidimensional de la escala.
The self-efficacy construct has been studied from two different viewpoints. Firstly, in a specific manner, as it was originally proposed and secondly, in a generalized way, defined as an optimistic self-belief of personal capability to cope efficiently and competently with a variety of situations. In order to measure this construct at the broadest level the General Self Efficacy Scale (GSE) was designed and adapted to Spanish in Costa Rica. This study aimed at validating the scale in a Colombian sample composed of college students. Participants were also administered the Situational Personality Questionnaire (named in Spanish as Cuestionario de Personalidad Situacional, CPS) and its factors have, theoretically speaking, a certain relationship with the studied construct. According to the results, the GSE showed a high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha value of .83). Convergent and discriminant validity of this instrument were evaluated through the CPS and positive correlations were obtained with efficacy, confidence, self-concept and emotional stability while negative correlations were obtained with anxiety. Through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, the unidimensional structure of the scale was validated.
Palabras clave
Autoeficacia , Escala , Fiabilidad , Validez , Análisis factorial confirmatorio
Self-efficacy , Scale , Reliability , Validity , Confirmatory factor analysis
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