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Las nuevas prácticas de lectura en los jóvenes universitarios ecuatorianos. Un estudio de caso sobre la Universidad Estatal de Bolívar (2017)

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Barredo Ibáñez, Daniel
Arellano, Janeth



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Universidad Estatal de Bolívar

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El desarrollo de las tecnologías de información y comunicación, en conjunto con la proliferación de dispositivos de conexión a la red, está consolidando unas nuevas formas de recepción cultural. Así, por ejemplo, los jóvenes universitarios acceden con frecuencia a Internet a través de computadores, teléfonos inteligentes o tabletas, entre otros, con el fin de interactuar con sus entornos amistosos, familiares o profesionales, pero también para consumir y difundir contenidos que se incorporan a su experiencia educativa. La ciberesfera, de acuerdo con muchos autores, se sustenta a través de la interrelación de tres factores estructurales: interactividad, hipertextualidad y multimedialidad.
The development of information and communication technologies, together with the proliferation of network connec-tivity devices, is consolidating new forms of cultural reception. For example, university students often access the Internet throu-gh computers, smartphones or tablets, among others, in order to interact with their friendly, family or professional environments - but also to consume and disseminate contents that are incor-porated to their educational experience. Cyber-sphere, according to many authors, is supported by the interrelationship of three structural factors: interactivity, hypertextuality and multimedia-lity. In this sense, the convergence between these stated principles has been able to modify the reading routines of the university stu-dents and, therefore, of reflection and acquisition of knowledge. With this paper, we present the results of a study in which we have approached the technological competencies and cultural habits of some groups of students of the State University of Boli-var, in order to examine aspects such as their responses to trans-media contents. In addition, we have examined the effects of new practices of participation through social media and, above all, the changes in reading and learning practices. The results will be of great interest because they show the practices of the reference group studied, in a province identified, particularly, by the technology gap and the predominance of the conventional media.
Palabras clave
Interactividad , TICs , Participación social , Contenidos transmedia
Interactivity , ICTs , Social participation , Transmediacontent
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