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Granero Pyma


Correa Barrera, María Alejandra

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Universidad del Rosario

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El presente proyecto expondrá como llego a materializarse una distribuidora de víveres en el oriente de Cundinamarca que empezó en octubre del año 2016 realizando los primeros procesos de venta, tiene como objetivo suplir la demanda considerablemente en aumento. En la actualidad, estamos haciendo uso del telemarketing, una de las mayores estrategias comerciales para maximizar la demanda a través de la generación óptica de nuestra oferta, una estrategia muy competida debido a las grandes empresas que llevan un periodo de esta parte de cadena comercial, pero contamos con un catálogo de productos tradicionales de alto impacto que otorgan beneficios en cadena de valor.
This project will expose how a food distributor in eastern Cundinamarca came to materialize, which began in October 2016. Carrying out the first sales processes, it aims to meet the considerably increasing demand. Currently, we are making use of tele-marketing, one of the greatest commercial strategies to maximize demand through the optical generation of our offer, a very competitive strategy due to the large companies that have been in this part of the chain for a period commercial, but we have a catalog of high-impact traditional products that provide benefits in the value chain. It is located in Fómeque, under the name of Granero Pyma SAS and responds to the needs of the local market. We seek to be leaders in sales in the entire area, we are in 9 towns where the projection is to reach 12 municipalities in the sector, offering a wide variety of products that are characterized by high quality standards and for being leading brands in the national market. . Through this project it is expected to generate more than 20 direct operational positions and around 1,500 indirect jobs. In conclusion, the project is a success if we start from the point that it is profitable for all those involved.
Palabras clave
Granero , Distribuidora de víveres , Telemarketing , Cadena de valor
Distributor , Participation , Logistics , Cundinamarca
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