
Asociación entre dominios disglucemicos y desenlaces de morbimortalidad en pacientes neurocríticos


Carrizosa, Jorge A.
Rodriguez, David Rene

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Universidad del Rosario

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Métricas alternativas

La variación en la glucemia en los pacientes críticamente enfermos se asocia con un aumento de mortalidad, complicaciones, estancia en UCI y costos. Actualmente, la información relacionada con control glucémico en los pacientes neurocríticos es insuficiente. En este estudio, los pacientes neurocríticos se definieron como aquellos hospitalizados en UCI con: accidente cerebrovascular, hemorragia subaracnoidea aneurismática, hipertensión intracraneal, meningitis, encefalitis, encefalopatía isquémica-hipóxica, compresión espinal, estatus epiléptico, lesión cerebral o espinal traumática y/o muerte cerebral.
INTRODUCTION: Variation in glycemia in critically ill patients is associated with increased mortality, complications, ICU stay, and costs. Currently, the information related to glycemic control in neurocritical patients is insufficient. In this study, neurocritical patients were defined as those hospitalized in the ICU with: cerebrovascular accident, aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracranial hypertension, meningitis, encephalitis, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, spinal compression, status epilepticus, traumatic brain or spinal injury, and/or death. cerebral. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between the alteration of glycemic domains with in-hospital mortality and the requirement of ventilatory support in neurocritical patients hospitalized in the ICU of the Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá between 2019 and 2020. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study. A univariate analysis and a bivariate analysis and two logistic regression models were performed to determine the association between the alteration of the glycemic domains with intrahospital mortality and ventilatory support. RESULTS: 221 patients were included. 50.2% (n= 111) were men, the mean age was 60.2 (SD: 19.84) years. 30.8% (n= 68) required mechanical ventilation and 9% (n= 20) died in the ICU. CONCLUSIONS: The Odds of dying among patients with glucose values ​​greater than 240mg/dL is 4.4 times to 1, the Odds of dying among patients who do not present glucose values ​​greater than 240mg/dL, having adjusted for the other variables. The presence of hypoglycemia, glycemic variability greater than 20% or hyperglycemia are not associated with the requirement for ventilatory support.
Palabras clave
Varibilidad glicemica , Neurocritico , Hiperglicemia , Dominios glicemicos , Hipoglicemia
Glycemic variability , Dysglycemic domains , Hiperglycemia , Hipoglycemia
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