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Plan de marketing digital: LSC-Fitness and Training Center

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Rodriguez Diaz, Laura Alejandra
Carrillo Hernández, Sara Natalia
Rodriguez Rodriguez, Camilo Alejandro


Cruz Bernal, Hernán Alberto

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Universidad del Rosario

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Como consecuencia de la pandemia se identificó una preocupación entre los colombianos: el bienestar físico y mental. Actualmente, cerca del 4% de la población paga por entrenar en un gimnasio que generalmente está lleno de máquinas para ejercitar el cuerpo. Debido a esto nace LSC: Fitness and Training Center, un espacio de asesoramiento y entrenamiento físico enfocado en la calistenia, guiando a las personas hacia el desarrollo de un estilo de vida saludable, a través de una experiencia retadora que promueva la auto superación y el bienestar mental. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar un plan de marketing digital para presentar a LSC: Fitness and Training Center ante el público al que va dirigido, así como posicionarse en los diferentes canales digitales que se proponen en este documento a través de la implementación de múltiples estrategias y tácticas.
As a consequence of the pandemic, a concern was identified among Colombians: physical and mental well-being. Currently, about 4% of the population pays to train in a gym that is usually full of machines to exercise the body. Due to this, LSC: Fitness and Training Center was born, a space for advice and physical training focused on calisthenics, guiding people towards the development of a healthy lifestyle, through a challenging experience that promotes self-improvement and mental well-being. The objective of this work is to develop a digital marketing plan to present LSC: Fitness and Training Center to the public to which it is directed, as well as to position itself in the different digital channels that are proposed in this document through the implementation of multiple strategies and tactics.
Palabras clave
Marketing digital , Bienestar mental , Bienestar físico , Calistenia , Centro de entrenamiento
Digital marketing , Mental Wellness , Calisthenics , Entertainment center , Physical well-being
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